Businessman, Author and Servant of the Most High. He has an amazing report on his trip to the far east.
Lightle was a former businessman from Seattle, Washington. He met his
Messiah as a student his first year in college when Yeshua appeared
to him while studying one night in October 1957 and began to speak to
him. Being from a Jewish background, he had never had anyone tell him
about Yeshua and that night he gave his life to God. Meeting Yeshua
totally changed his life.
owning two different businesses, Steve left the United States in 1973
and moved his family to Braunschweig, West Germany. This was the city
that gave Adolf Hitler German citizenship.
August 1974, Steve received a vision of how God was going to judge
the Soviet Union and bring the Jewish people home to Israel by ship
and by air. Through the years he made many trips into the Soviet
Union, visiting Jewish communities to prepare them for the exodus. In
1982, the Lightle’s moved to Jerusalem where they lived for many
1991, together with Gustav Scheller, the Exodus Shipping Line was
established to bring Jewish people from the USSR to Israel by ship
and airplane. This paved the way for many Soviet Jews to go to
1983, Steve wrote the best-selling book, EXODUS II, predicting the
fall of Communism and the modern day exodus of Jews from the former
Soviet Union. In 1999 he wrote OPERATION EXODUS II, which explains
why God is returning the Jewish people to Israel and why this is so
important in these last days. Steve Lightle is a prophetic preacher
with a message from God’s heart. Currently he travels and speaks
around the world.
Steve Lightle este un fost
om de afaceri din Seattle, Washington, unde deținea un restaurant și
„Spălarea mașinii Dippy Duck”. În iunie 1973, Steve și-a
mutat familia la Braunschweig, Germania de Vest, orașul care i-a
acordat lui Hitler cetățenia germană. În august 1974, el a primit
o viziune a planului lui Dumnezeu de a scoate poporul evreu din
Uniunea Sovietică de atunci și de a-i întoarce în Țara
Israelului. A făcut multe călătorii în fosta Uniune Sovietică.
În 1982, Steve și familia sa s-au mutat la Ierusalim, Israel, unde
au locuit șapte ani. În 1983, a scris cea mai vândută carte
EXODUS II. În 1991, împreună cu Gustav Scheller, a ajutat la
înființarea liniei de transport Exodus pentru a aduce pe evrei
poporul evreu din Rusia în Israel. Aceasta este a doua jumătate a
unui mesaj pe care Steve l-a transmis în Hamilton NZ la 26 iulie
2016. Prima jumătate a înregistrării a fost pierdută din cauza
unei defecțiun.
de afaceri, autor și slujitor al Celui Prea Înalt. Are un raport
uimitor despre călătoria sa către îndepărtatul est.
Juden kehren Heim
Millionen Menschen aus ex-sowjetischen Ländern sind nach Israel
eingewandert. "Mitschuldig" ist der Amerikaner Steve
Lightle. Er hat bei der Einwanderung von über 100'000 Juden ins
gelobte Land mitgewirkt.
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